The show-stopping yet surprisingly versatile appeal of the Catalyst collection brings contemporary edge to any home. The Fawcett rug boasts a stunning, traditional motif with lustrous metallic details and a taupe, gray, and silver colorway. The sleek polyester and polypropylene fibers of this luxe rug lend a chameleon-like shine, offering the unique blend of modernity and timeless distressing.
Care Instructions:
- Blot stains immediately and clean using a mild soap mixed with equal parts white vinegar and water
- Vacuum regularly with beater bar off
- Collection: Catalyst
- Design Name: Fawcett
- Catalog Code: CTY10
- Pattern: Oriental
- Color: Gray
- Construction: Power Loomed
- Materials: 35% Metallic Polyester 35% Polypropylene 30% Polyester
2'2" x 8' Runner
- Dimensions: 96" w x 26" d x 0.4" h
- Pile Height: 0.4" h
- Weight: 7.97 pounds
5' x 7'6"
- Dimensions: 90" w x 60" d x 0.4" h
- Pile Height: 0.4" h
- Weight: 17.25 pounds
6'7" x 9'6"
- Dimensions: 114" w x 79" d x 0.4" h
- Pile Height: 0.4" h
- Weight: 28.77 pounds
7'10" x 10'6"
- Dimensions: 126" w x 94" d x 0.4" h
- Pile Height: 0.4" h
- Weight: 37.84 pounds
9'6" x 13'
- Dimensions: 156" w x 114" d x 0.4" h
- Pile Height: 0.4" h
- Weight: 56.81 pounds
11'8" x 15'
- Dimensions: 180" w x 140" d x 0.4" h
- Pile Height: 0.4" h
- Weight: 80.5 pounds
The show-stopping yet surprisingly versatile appeal of the Catalyst collection brings contemporary edge to any home. The Fawcett rug boasts a stunning, traditional motif with lustrous metallic details and a taupe, gray, and silver colorway. The sleek polyester and polypropylene fibers of this luxe rug lend a chameleon-like shine, offering the unique blend of modernity and timeless distressing.
Care Instructions:
- Blot stains immediately and clean using a mild soap mixed with equal parts white vinegar and